Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Whip Cream Dreams

So.... I have successfully made a washcloth and am starting another-- i never thought I would want to sit still long enough to knit-- in my days of boundless energy. And now, as a mom, I am thoroughly grateful for any opportunity to sit long enough to knit.... which is rare because there is something around the house that always needs to be done. I limit the need to clean to the upstairs, since we only ever go downstairs to do laundry (it is the band room/ storage... with a laundry room tucked in between microphones)... but even that is rarely clean. Howeever, I'm making progress, and thusly so is my knitting.
Another dream of mine, besides sitting and knitting... is sewing. I love designing clothes and wish my dear husband had enough time to sew all my dreams come true (he is an amazing tailior). I am not as sewing inclined, but I'd like to be. The following link is to the site "Grosgrain" and her refashion frocks completely inspire me. She takes thrift store finds that have great fabric but not so great styles and she transforms them into amazing outfits.... And on top of that GIVES THEM AWAY!!! What a wonderful, inspiring lady.